
Take THAT You Turkey (or Season's Greetings from the Christmas Plague Rat)!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (almost)! We had a wonderful visit with Adam's folks, as well as his Uncle Chris and my Dad. Daddy wins the Christmas Trials & Tribulations Award for spending the night in Chicago O'Hare airport with three pounds of frozen tamales and no phone charger when his connecting flight to Rochester was cancelled. AND THEN his flight out today was cancelled - so we'll be seeing him off at 4:30 this morning instead. Standing ovation please!

And... WhaBAM! Turkey chili! Courtesy of the Houston law firm Whoosie, Whatsit & Thingimie - the world's cutest little cajun spiced turkey was delivered to our door amongst the holiday loot. The thing that amazed me was that the six of us did not polish it off Christmas Day! So less than 24 hours after Christmas dinner - I used the left-overs to make chili to go with the fabulous tamales Daddy brought along from Dallas. Mmmmmm...


O Christmas Tree...

Nothing of particular note has occurred in recent days, other than the acquisition of a rather stunning fir tree which we will decorate shortly. There's this place near our house that is a crazy huge garden-supply/nursery during the warmer months. At this time of year, they serve as Fir Tree Mecca and Purveyors of Poinsettias. They also have a miniature electric train set-up that takes up more space than our living room.

Nothing gets you in the spirit more than a tree that makes you feel short...

We're not talking about the soup.