
Spring Break '08 - now with Flying Monkeys!

So we're on the road. Or rather we're in a hotel room somewhere north of Cleveland, waiting for the BLIZZARD to pass on by. Rochester had snow all day Friday, mixed with freezing rain, all falling on top of the ice that formed when all the melting stuff froze with the cold front. As we headed out of Rochester today, the freezing rain kicked back in. Every five minutes or so, we passed a car in a ditch. About thirty minutes out, Adam rolls down his window and gets a face full of sleet. At which point he turns to me and asks...

"So when do the flying monkeys start?"

Turns out they were waiting in Ohio. We were supposed to get all the way to the southern border of Kentucky today - 11 hours of driving. We blazed through Pennsylvania at top speeds of 45 mph. The photo above was taken in Pennsylvania. We barely got into Ohio before we lost track of the actual road. It should have been about 3.5 hours, and it took us over 6. So we stopped... wherever we are... and got the last room in the hotel.

We'll try again tomorrow.

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